Saturday, May 05, 2007

If not we, than who?

About 30 kilometres away from Syktyvkar, the capital of Komi, there is a rehab center for homeless kids that I had a chance to serve at. I visited the center last November with 2 American missionaries and a local missionary Sergey who coordinates Jesus Film in Komi Republic. This time I had so little time and so much to do but, praise the Lord!, He made it possible for me to go there and this time, in April, I barely saw 3 familiar faces. It is not always a bad sign– sometimes it means that kids are back with their parents, whose parental rights were restored after some time or perhaps their parent are back from prison. Most of the kids do have at least one parent theoretically, but in fact they are orphans. Their parent are either alcoholics or in prison or have family problems. One good evangelical church comes there regularly to do Sunday school and play with the kids but still.. kids have very sad eyes. They all have repeated the salvation prayer several times in their little lives already but have trouble believing that they are loved and they do have a Friend who cares..
Vitalik, 7(a little boy next to me on the first picture) is the one I really enjoy talking to and I believe he is saved. At the end of the visit I asked him how I could pray for him and he said he wants his mom to take him back (she is an alcoholic and was deprived of the parental rights by the court). Let us pray that his mother becomes a new person before she gains a right to take him back.
And please pray for all the kids on the picture* you can enlarge the picture by clicking on it) – they need to understand how real God is and open their little hearts to His unfailing love. And we, enjoying His love and mercy need to share it with those kids, as the Lord leads us, if we, Christians won’t do it, than who will?